Thursday, April 9, 2009

Photoshop Tutorial: Selecting layers in Photoshop

If you've used Photoshop Tutorial for any length of time, you no doubt use layers fairly extensively. They're a great way to compose a design, because they let you edit and move design elements independently of each other. (If you're new to layers in Photoshop, take a look at our Introduction to layers tutorial.)

Of course, to edit and manipulate a layer, you need to select it. Sometimes you want to select more than one layer at once. And sometimes, if your document has lots of layers, you want to select a layer quickly by clicking it in the document window. This tutorial walks you through all these techniques, and more, and explores the myriad ways of selecting layers in Photoshop.

We won't be talking about selecting pixels on a layer here. This Design Tutorial focuses on selecting layers themselves. For a thorough look at selecting pixels within layers, check out the Selecting stuff tutorial.

Selecting layers in the Layers palette

You're no doubt aware that you can select a single layer for editing by clicking it in the Layers palette:

Selecting a layer in the Layers palette Click a layer in the Layers palette to select it

When you select a layer, its Design Tutorial goes a darker colour. If you select just one layer, it's often called the active layer. Most Photoshop features, such as the painting tools, the adjustments under Image > Adjustments, and the filters under the Filter menu, work on the active layer.

Often it's handy to select more than one layer at once. For example, if you select a bunch of layers you can move them around together with the Move tool, or drag them around together in the Layers palette. You can also merge them together by choosing Layer > Merge Layers.

You can also use the keyboard to select layers. To select the layer below the active layer, press Alt+[ (Win) or Option+[ (Mac). To select the layer above the active layer, press Alt/Option+].

Photoshop gives you a few handy ways to quickly select lots of layers at once. You can select layers of the same type, you can select layers that are linked together, and you can select all layers in your document. You can quickly select layers of the same type. For example, you can instantly select all type layers in your document, or all adjustment layers.

If you've linked some layers together, you can select them all in one go by selecting one of the linked layers and choosing Layer > Select Linked Layers.

As well as selecting layers using the Layers palette and the keyboard, you can select layers directly in the document window. This is very handy if you have a lot of layers in your document, or if you're not sure which layer is which in the Layers palette.

Photoshop's Move tool features a handy Auto-Select feature that selects layers or groups when you click them in the document window.

To use this feature, select the Move tool in the toolbox, select the Auto-Select checkbox in the options bar, and select Layer from the menu to the right of the checkbox. Now click a layer in the document window to select it.

To select a group, select Group from the Auto-Select menu, and click one of the group's layers in the document window.

To select multiple layers or groups this way, hold down Shift while clicking in the document window.

Using a keyboard shortcut

This trick is a fantastic way to quickly select a bunch of clustered layers in the document window.

Rubber-band selection Select the Move tool, then Ctrl/Command + drag in the document window to quickly select a bunch of layers.

What if the layer you want to select sits under another layer in the document window? No problem - just select the Move tool, then right-click the top layer in the document window. You'll see a pop-up menu appear, showing you all the layers and groups underneath the point you clicked. Click a layer or group to select it.

One-button mouse users on the Mac can Control+click in the document window to do the same thing.

Selecting buried layers in the document window Right-click with the Move tool in the document window to choose the layer you want to select

To select all layers of the same type as the one you clicked on, choose Select Similar Layers from the pop-up menu.

As you can see, Photoshop Tutorials gives you a wealth of techniques for selecting layers, from clicking in the Layers palette through to selecting layers in the document window. You'll probably find that you use only one or two techniques most of the time, but they're all worth knowing. For example, there are situations where the rubber-band technique will save you lots of time and effort. Happy selecting!

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