Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Logo Design Trends: Delivery Channels Take Fore Front

In looking at current branding trends, and what might be around the corner in 2007, what strikes me most are not the tactics being used, but the mediums being called on to disseminate the messages. Marketers can no longer rely on traditional outlets such as TV, radio and print ads to "get the job done"; they must take into consideration all the new media at their disposal, including blogs, pod casting, mobile phone-based programming, social networks, and RSS feeds.

Before examining how this onslaught of media options have changed the branding landscape, it’s important to remember the Logo Design constants that will remain critical for companies wishing to establish and maintain brand awareness with their target audience. Regardless of the medium chosen for distribution, marketers must:
  • Ensure the brand promise is clear. Be simple, be direct, and by all means, be consistent.
  • Focus on creating a well-conceived brand name. Even the cleverest branding strategy will fall flat if the name you seek to brand is poorly conceived.
  • Understand the competition. No one operates in a vacuum; while originality is important, it's critical to be aware of your competitors' Logo Design Training strategies.
  • Set branding goals. You can’t very well determine your success if you don't have a benchmark against which to measure it. Know where you want to go, and when you want to get there.
  • Remain committed, yet flexible. Branding success does not occur overnight; it takes commitment to maintain focus and build loyalty. That doesn’t mean strategy changes might not be necessary along the way, so you should be open to tweaking your approach as necessary.

What remains most critical in the Logo Design Tutorials arena is being consistent, especially as the variety of media options continues to expand. The last thing you want to do as a marketing professional is send out confusing or conflicting messages, and that can be all the more likely as you add variety to your media mix.


  1. Marketers can no longer rely on traditional outlets such as TV, radio and print ads to "get the job done"

  2. simple and clever are how logos must be

    Craig Miller

    affordable logo design
