Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Music And Free Sound Effects For Animation Films

Animation films, be it the ordinary cartoons or the 3-D animation projects that have become a rage in the television and film circuits these days, require a unique set of Free Sound effects and music cues. These differ from normal sounds from the fact that most of them are either intentionally made to sound funny or exaggerated. The fact that most of these animation films and cartoon projects are aimed at kids makes the requirement of the variety and range of music and sound fx typical.

Gun sounds such as bang and boom, as well as the boings, splats, swishes and ting tings are all used only in such animation projects. Remember watching Tom and Jerry or Donald Duck when you were a kid too? What of they didn’t have the cartoon sound effects? They would sound and seem as dull as a BBC documentary seems to kids! This is the importance of quality authentic music and Free Sound effects in animation films and allied projects.

But for small-scale animators and cartoon film developers, it is financially impossible to obtained licensed copies of original music tracks. The same goes with the option of employing professional musicians or audio engineers for producing the required music content. Here is where royalty free music portals come into play. These portals, that have become the largest source of royalty free sound effects and stock music online. But the quality provided by these free music portals is often a bone of contention for the users.

Audio Micro however, is an exception in this case. With a complete team of qualified professional Stock Photography and a technically brilliant bunch of audio engineers who produce and master stock music tracks of excellent quality. We also offer a number of samples for download absolutely free. These sample free music tracks act as the example of our quality and efficiency of work, and help build the confidence of our clientele in us. Moreover, the stock audio clips and royalty free music tracks we provide are completely customizable for personal use on all sound editing software applications such as Sound Forge etc. The diversity and quantity of our stock music tracks will suit all your music requirements, no matter how vague or how unconventional the subject topic of the animation project is concerned.

The sound fx and Stock Photography track used in animation films incorporate a lot of sounds, such as lightning and thunder sounds, horns, squeaks, animal sounds, slam sounds, crash sound fx etc. The incorporation of the right production music and allied sound fx is vital to the success of the project. Moreover, as a majority of the audience comprises of kids, badly tailored stock sound effects or royalty free music would kill the fun, the core of most animation and cartoon projects. But at Audio Micro, we provide you with what you need. And even if your project deals with cartoons and funny characters, we are dead serious about providing quality solutions for the project’s music requirements!

1 comment:

  1. I saw your post regarding free audio and thought I would add a few sites with free royalty free music and sound effects.

    On this page there is a collection of free royalty free music loops that are perfect of idents, stings or background music behind a voice-over. Available for personal and commercial use, no strings attached:
    Free Royalty Free Music LoopsThis page has thousands of free sound effects to download and use, organized into easy to search categories:
    Free Sound EffectsThis blog constantly posts new royalty free music and sound effects that are available for use in personal and commercial projects:
    Royalty Free Music ClipsDownload and enjoy.
    Good luck with your projects.
