"Photoshop Fast Track For Newbies" is a complete, step-by-step training program that's perfect for you...
No more spending hours and hours reading boring books or falling asleep through a 10+ hour DVD course costing $300+ (aimed at advanced professionals), when all you want to know are the shortcuts.
This is an easy to use training program designed specifically for the newbie just like you, on how to use the most common tasks in Photoshop, which includes shortcuts the professionals use!
Here's Why This is The Best Newbie Photoshop Training Money Can Buy...
- I assume, (like me when I started), you know very little about Photoshop Tutorials , so I've made sure to walk you through every button, every action, every move of the mouse... so that there is absolutely no way that you can get lost and not know what to do to create great graphics.
- Unlike DVD’s or Manuals, Photoshop Fast Track is interactive. You get to watch what I am doing... and most importantly you get to follow along and work with me step-by-step on your own computer. This is vital to help you actually "learn by doing" (and shortens the learning curve by 78% vs. other methods of learning.)
- I made every effort to make this Design Training fun. If you are having fun and making progress then you are going to stick with it - unlike a boring manual. You want to learn Photoshop as quickly as possible and get yourself up and running, and keeping your learning fun and light hearted (as these videos do) helps big time!
- You have the ability to pause, rewind and re-watch the videos anytime. This gives you total control over your learning process so you can learn at YOUR own pace... and never feel overwhelmed.
What Exactly Will I Learn?
By simply sitting back and watching these videos you learn:
- How to transform old photos just like new in just a few simple steps - it's much easier than you think! (In fact we'll give you a shortcut which will allow you how to transform photographs you thought were "beyond repair").
- How to remove red eye from photographs so your friends and relatives no longer look like they are "possessed"... (think back now how many photos would have looked great if it wasn't for the "red eye" - that problem will soon be a thing of the past for you... and people will love you for it)
- How to easily change the appearance of any photograph or image, and apply cool special effects... effortlessly! (Like how to "flip", add shadows, crop and so on, so forth)
- How to finally take command of all the important Photoshop tools like the "text tool", "paint bucket", "lasso", "magic wand", "gradient fill", "layers", "effects" and much much more... and start using Photoshop like a pro (even if you're only starting out!). Don't worry you'll soon know these terms like the back of your hand.
- How to use the "Palette Well" to setup your Photoshop environment. Learning how the "Palette Well" works will save you hours by allowing you to get instant access to the tools you need for each image. When you go through the videos this mysterious tool (and many more) will be second nature to you.
- What is the toolbox and why it is needed for most Photoshop tasks (once you learn this you'll be able to accomplish any task virtually with the click of your mouse).
- How to quickly find any image you want to work with... it's amazing how much time people waste simply because they don't know how to really use Photoshop Tutorials to navigate to each image, and then can't find the images they have just worked on and saved - don't feel bad, we have all done it :-)
- How the "Image State" feature of Photoshop can allow you to never make another mistake again - this is one of the top secret tools used by the pros to always turn out flawless work.
- Using the selection tool to make all your Photoshop work easy (I'll reveal the dirty little secrets, that most Photoshop users don't even know, on how you can use the selection tool with amazing effectiveness).
- How to correctly use the "Grow" command and how it can make tasks that used to be impossible now only take seconds - this one will save you a lot of time.
- What is the difference between a canvas and an image? Knowing this can alleviate many headaches when you start to change image sizes - using the wrong option can totally distort a photo, and you may never know why!
- Discover Photoshop’s BIG secret - layers. As soon as you master these, you'll be able to manipulate your images with ease, and make changes or test new effects in a snap.
- Learn the different image and color modes and when to use which - so that you'll know how to specifically develop images that appear great on web pages, computer-based multimedia etc.
- How to retouch and improve any photograph - easily. While these techniques are simple they are extremely effective, and have very impacting results.
- How to paint like Monet using the Photoshop paintbrush tool... you can do some VERY interesting things with this after watching Photoshop Fast Track.
- How to merge two (or more) photos together seamlessly - like the top magazines and newspapers do!
- How to "frame" a photo so that it looks like a professional fashion photographer took it. (This is so easy when you know how!)
- How to save your images in all the different formats - and which format is best for the Web (where you need "optimized" images that load quickly).
- How to use the "Crop" feature so you can quickly and easily trim a photo or "cut out" any part of an image you don't want to appear.
- How to find and use "plug-ins" (pre-programmed tools) to achieve amazing effects instantly. Plug-ins are extremely powerful and so simple to use once you know how!
- Everything you need to know to apply text to images, how to select the right fonts, apply cool effects and much more.
- How to make amazing enhancements to any photo such as, teeth whitening; blemish removal, hair restoration, wrinkle removal, double chin removal... all in seconds. Photoshop is the same tool that Hollywood has been using for years to make the stars look like so darn good in their promotion photos! (Hell, once you know how you can EASILY make yourself look 10lbs slimmer, I've done this for hundreds of people on their wedding or holiday photos!)
- How to make graphics and logos - from scratch - just like the high priced "designers" do that can charge as much as $300 to $500 to produce... you could even sell your services after you take this training. Online design sites are quietly making a fortune doing simple design work that you will soon be capable of doing easily. There really is a genuine demand for your "soon to be aquired" lucrative new Photoshop skills... if that's what you're looking for!
The above represents just a small sample of what you'll learn with the Photoshop Tutorials Fast Track for Newbies video tutorials.
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